Making this page in advance preparation for questions that will no doubt frequently be asked.

Q: I am your friend, can you come over and pick out outfits in my closet for me?
A: Yes.

Q: I am a stranger, can you come over and pick out outfits in my closet for me?
A: Probably yes.

Q: I am a clothing company, can I give you free clothes?
A: Why, yes.

Q: I am a magazine, can I hire you to style photo shoots or write little articles?
A: I don't see why not.

Q: I am a local boutique or major nation wide clothing retailer, can we advertise on your site?
A: Yes, as soon as I figure out how much I am supposed to charge for that.

Q: I am an opinionated person who doesn't like you, can I leave mean comments on your posts?
A: Only if you post anonymously, because I like to call my friend Rachel and accuse her of doing it.